
This is the latest Chain of Command from our Local Chapter to Nationals
What does this mean? It means that if you have an issue, you start at the lowest level and work up. We start at the lowest level, trying to keep what we can, in house. If you cannot get resolution, go to the XO, then the Commander, then the State Representative, then the Regional Representative and finally to the NBOD.
Do not jump the chain. The NBOD has said they will send you home to start over.

Local CVMA® Chapter 51-1 (Australia, Guam, Japan, Korea, Philippines and Thailand)

CommanderJohnny JOHNNY BRAVO Thornton
Executive OfficerHector GEARS Valle
TreasurerConor NAMROG Gorman
SecretaryMichael CUTZ Verrillo
Sergeant at ArmsJose-raul EL BADGER Ortiz

Chapter 51-1 Staff

ChaplainJose-raul EL BADGER Ortiz
QuartermasterRaymond SCAVENGER Holder
Road CaptainMichael CUTZ Verrillo
WebmasterDavid DR. STRANGE Coens


State RepresentativeMichael TEACH McCormick

Regional – Alaska, Asia, Europe, Hawaii

Region XI RepresentativeBrian COBRA Stoops


National PresidentMatt MUTT Jones
National Vice-PresidentChristopher LUNCHBOX Aker
National TreasurerDavid REEPER Worley
National  SecretaryBrad BERGIE Berglund
National Sergeant-At-ArmsRobert DOC Soice
National  Public Relations OfficerRobert MASON McCloud
National Staff National ChaplainMax PREACHERMAN Waugh
National Staff IT ServicesTerry GODZILLA Carter
National Staff Quarter MasterJeremy SPIDERMAN Baker